Genetic Biomarker Enabled Drug Development


The foundation of our external partnering and licensing relationships is our unique ability to rapidly discover and validate high effect size genetic biomarkers (e.g., causal or protective CNVs and SNVs) on a genome-wide basis using our CNV Beacon® platform. Our patented approach dramatically reduces the genome search space and enables accelerated, cost-effective drug development.

Example Partnering Projects:

  • Rescue drugs failing for efficacy or safety by identifying responder or serious adverse event genotypes.

  • Repurpose/reposition marketed drugs for new indications by identifying genetic subtypes in diseases that are novel or explain why the drug may work.

  • Develop targeted drugs that, instead of treating symptoms, modify or prevent/cure disease on the basis of newly discovered gene associations.

  • Discover and validate novel genetic content for predictive tests that enable early detection of disease or companion diagnostic tests from partnered drug development programs.

Out-Licensing Opportunities

Population Bio has intellectual property portfolios comprised of biomarker collections for therapeutics development and/or diagnostics applications for the following diseases: Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Endometriosis, and Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy.

For partnership and collaboration inquiries, please contact