Company Overview
Population Bio, Inc. is a privately held precision medicine company that is empowering pharmaceutical companies to develop targeted therapies and companion diagnostics faster and more cost effectively.
Our patented genetic discovery method is currently used in multiple collaborations and partnerships to:
Define new classes of rare diseases by revealing multiple subtypes of common, complex diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism, and Endometriosis).
Genetically stratify drug responders vs. non-responders to improve clinical trials.
Identify the genetic basis of serious adverse events to facilitate development of companion tests that improve the safety of approved drugs.
Reveal protective variants that enable development of blockbuster drugs for treating a common disease in a large number of people (irrespective of underlying cause).
We are accelerating the delivery of precision medicine diagnostic and therapeutic products to enable safe, low-cost, and effective healthcare for patients.